Had a pretty good rain storm pass over midtown today. The whole upper east side and part of Central Park is out there somewhere but the rain coming down so fast and hard made it all disappear for about 10 minutes.
The Life of Charlie -- Week 7
Charlie is a Golden Retriever puppy and she's the newest addition to our family. This is a weekly photo diary of her growing up and the pictures in this entry range from August 7, 2016 to August 15, 2016. You can check out previous weeks by clicking on the category "The Life of Charlie" on the sidebar to the right.
The excessive heat this past week has kept these guys inside most of the time but they did get a couple of times to run around the yard before melting. The good news is that Charlie got her final booster shots this past week so she's free to roam around the country. Stay tuned for her future travels outside of the yard where she has been held up since we brought her home a few weeks ago.
Sunrise this Morning
The sunrise lighting up the side of the Empire State Building this morning as seen from Rt. 3 in the Meadowlands near the Metlife Stadium. Thought it was really cool how the ESB being lit up got picked up in its reflection.