Veterans Day ceremony held at the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, November 11, 2013.
Goldstock 2013
From the Goldstock website; For those of you who have never attended, Goldstock is a celebration of our dogs and of rescue. The event was started in 1998 as a get together for members of the Golden@Hobbes e-mail list, and in support of Golden Retriever Rescue. Approximately 65 people and their goldens attended and a few thousand dollars was raised to help rescue. From that beginning, the event has grown to include over 30 rescue groups selling wonderful merchandise; more than 300 people from all over the US, as well as Canada and the UK; and well over 400 very happy dogs. In the 12 years of Goldstock, several hundred thousand dollars has been raised for rescue. You can learn more about Goldstock on their site and maybe I'll see you there in 2014.
2013 New Jersey Balloon Festival
Was hoping to get majestic shots of dozens of balloons lifting off but the winds were too strong so the balloons never went up. Still had a fun time getting up close to these huge hat air bags.